In April I answered a series of questions for POLAR USA
by Polar USA on Friday, April 20, 2012 at 12:21pm ·
“Polar Community Zone” will be a series dedicated to amazing people within the Polar community. Whether you’re a competitive athlete, just starting to be active or simply using exercise and fitness as a way to improve your life – if you’d like to be featured message us!
Meet Suzy Degazon from California! Suzy has finished more than 450 plus multi sport events, including dozens of single, double and triple ironman distance length races, topping out with the 7.2 mile swim, 336 mile bike and 78 mile run of Defi de L’Endurance in Fontanil France. At 46 she does not plan on slowing down and continues to tackle such challenges as the 7 day stage race “The Coastal Challenge” in Costa Rica, The Californian Triple Crown Challenge (200 mile bike rides) and continue her streak of 14 starts toeing the line at Ultraman Hawaii the 320 mile multi sport circumnavigation of the Big Island over Thanksgiving.
What first motivated you to start training/exercising?
After being a Pastry chef for many years and also suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, I ended up at 58 pounds, and in various mental asylums, until my heart gave out and was put into intensive care and finally into a commune to live my life within boundaries. I needed to begin running to build bone mass and wanted to gain healthy weight. I felt I had to justify eating to live an active life style
What motivates you to stay at it?
Gosh I love my active life style! It is a part of my life and has been for 19 years! I love the challenge of competition, meeting new people in the sport; I run with my dog Hammer who is a mini pinscher and have a BOB baby jogger which I still use for my 4 year old grandbaby! I love to share the great outdoors with my husband cycling and hiking. It makes me feel good. Without my daily dose of swimming cycling running and scuba diving I get very depressed!!
What is your biggest obstacle?
Since moving from Puerto Rico to California I would have to say balancing family life. Making time to train, I am also not a great lover of cold weather! At the moment the cost of triathlons and travel are also another huge obstacle. I hate being injured but when it happens I have 3 sports to choose from!! But I am hoping I will break new barriers in 2012, locating to a new place was difficult and I miss my little home on the island but love California and its diversity.
Describe your weekly fitness regimen
I joined Covina Masters Tri swim so able to swim 3 times a week before the sun gets up! I try to run 5 times a week, I love to run and it is a time when I can think over problems etc. and I can run anywhere; I try to cycle 3-4 times a week. I do not go to the gym as like being outdoors.
How have you incorporate heart rate training/polar into your plan?
I have been using a Polar monitor since 1993, the year I began doing triathlons, I love numbers and was fascinated with lowering heart rate and how the body recovers from hard work outs. Sometimes I may feel great but the numbers on my polar tell me I need to back off training or am tired!
What are your goals for 2012? Fitness and beyond..
Well 2012 when I recover from a torn calf muscle I am hoping to do 3 to 4 50 mile runs and a few double century bike events and top off my year with my 15th Ultraman Hawaii, I have unfinished business in Kona! I also want to be a role model for women all over the world who suffer from eating disorders or who have been raped to know that recovery is possible and the demons that play in one’s mind can be quieted.
What advice would you give to someone new to exercising?
Just by walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes is all it takes to get the healthy bug! Not to over do it and if possible get a friend to join you for your new fitness hobby. Sign up for a local race get out and have fun. But most importantly listen to your body, get yourself a polar monitor know what your resting heart rate is and if you have a medical condition get full clearance from your doctor as some sports need to be eased into slowly!